St Basils | Service User Films
We have worked on various projects with the lovely folk of St Basils over the years and every time we do we learn a little more about the amazing work they do to support the Homeless Youth of Birmingham.
In previous videos we have filmed with the staff of St Basils to help create content that focuses on the main causes of Youth Homelessness and highlights how the public can help etc.
This time round things were going to be a little different in regards to approach, as we were going to interview ex-service users who have since moved on from supported living, to get a better understanding of how St Basils helped them to get back on their feet.
Spanning decades, we interviewed a broad variety of people from all different types of backgrounds, who have all been helped and supported by St Basils at some point in their lives.
Not every project we undertake here at Creative Pie requires days of production, and we like to pride ourselves in our ability to get in and get out with perfect results.
Due to the support of St Basil’s our interviewees now had exceptionally busy lives with their careers, their children and even sitting high up in the chambers of Birmingham City Council.
We chose suitable locations which were local to the interviewees so as to not disrupt their day too much including the Birmingham City Council Chambers, St Basil’s HQ and the design studio of our friends at One Black Bear.
We lit, we interviewed and then jetted off in the Pie-mobile to grab some footage of the interviewee visiting their old accommodation with St Basil’s Head of Fundraising Barrie Hodge.
We used this footage to document the moment an ex-service user returned to a place that had offered them help and support during a tough time in their life. For most, this was the first time they’d been back since moving on and it made for an emotional and powerful moment captured on film.
After that it was time to hit the edit, then the videos went out on Social Media to help raise loads of money to keep the Charity running smoothly!
Barrie Hodge | Head of Communication for St Basils
We've worked with Creative Pie a number of times now, they always just seem to quickly understand what we need to achieve and make it happen with no fuss!
Production Kit:
Blackmagic Cine Cameras
Rhino Evo Motion Slider
Cine Lenses
Da Vinci Resolve
Rode Mics
1 x Barrie