Happy New Year! In this blog Nic and Dean from Birmingham based video production company Creative Pie Films reflect back on their second year in business!
One of the first things of note is how this year has differed greatly from previous years. Having begun in earnest with one major client and focussing heavily on developing that relationship as well as our offering as a video content provider, 2017 has been the year of expanding and developing new relationships.
As a Birmingham based video production company we set ourselves annual targets, and as a relatively new business those targets initially tend to be client orientated. At Creative Pie Films we love people, we’re genuinely interested in them and we have a passion for the work we do.
Our aim for 2017 was to link with creative agencies and broaden the subjects of our films, push our creativity and work with new people.
In order to achieve this a huge amount of time was spent networking through platforms such as LinkedIn, starting conversations, arranging coffee dates, waxing lyrical with like minded people who all have common aspirations and goals.
Through extensive networking we have struck up relationships with a number of creative agencies and we even experienced shooting behind bars for a recruitment campaign for Sedexo.
Our drone filming service literally took off this year, shooting footage for Exensor, Cala Homes, ST Engineering and the RSPB.
We shot a number of large scale events at the NEC in Birmingham for FaceUp TV including Advanced Engineering 2017, IPEX and the Sensors Show. We also filmed at the Priory’s flagship wellbeing centre on Harley Street in London, producing 2 high end promotional films.
Priory | Harley Street | 2 from Creative Pie Films on Vimeo.
This year also saw us expand our kit by investing in another cinecam and cinelenses which now gives us the ability to capture the same high quality footage on two camera’s instead of matching the grade from our old B cam to our A cam; thanks Sony!
2017 has been a whirlwind year that has taught us a lot about the world of business. It’s had lots of highs and a few lows, LOTS of sleepless nights (due to new family additions, both human and canine) but what remains is our passion, drive and enthusiasm for what we do. We’re living the dream one day at a time and as long as we stay true to ourselves and to our clients, we see no reason why it should end.
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